I wanted to say how thrilled I am about this site! A huge
thank you to all that have compiled this family history. What an
awesome job!
Teresa Lynn Watson-Miller, Tennessee 4/20/15 |
This website is just Awesome.... It has a lot of info... I
appreciate all the effort and work
Byron Shipp, Costa Rica 3/25/15 |
Great web site and I am pleased to see the name of Burkett finally
being recognized for the outstanding historic name it is. Thank
you again.
David Wayne Burkett, California 3/4/14 |
I love the site. I'm 34 years old and was born and raised in
Bradford, PA. My father's name is William Robert Burkett, my
grandfather was Ronald Franklin Burkett. My father is 66. Are we
all from the same big tree? If not, the site is wonderful!
Robert Joseph Burket, New York 12/9/13 |
just wanted to no if we were of the same family. I have very
little family and would love to no if maybe i might have more out
there thanks
Veronica Burkett, Louisiana 12/4/2013 |
surname is Burkett, and I know little information about my family
history on that side. I do not think there is any relation, but I
found this website interesting. I am 22, born in NJ. Now I am
living and working in Russia.
Joshua Burkett, Russia 11/22/2013 |
That was very interesting. Though I would love to update a bit.
How do I update my and my family info. Love this site and it's
wonderful that it doesn't cost. How do you get your info?
Christy Davidson, Oregon 10/26/2013 |
just wanted to say WOW, I cannot believe how much information is
on this site. I found my name under my dad-noticed that my
son's name is changed to Campbell, but did not list my husband's
name. Can you add? Thank you for all the information!
Audra Campbell, Kentucky 8/10/2013 |